Google Web Designer Beta: A new and easier way for HTML5

Flash ads are slowly being phased out while HTML5 ads are becoming the norm, if they are not already. Another benefit to HTML5 is it cannot be blocked, unlike flash(due to programs like flash block). Perhaps this is why Google states that “HTML5 is a universal language” and that it is now the standard.
On Monday September 30th, Google launched a beta version of its new program Google Web Designer.
This program is free and available for download at! The beta version is primarily used for creating ads in the HTML5 format, but can be used to build simple one page websites or animations. Google hopes to make professional quality HTML5 add creation more accessible to the common user and as a byproduct easily allow more companies to advertise on Google’s own web pages.
Users can build animations in the common Doubleclick and Admob formats, or they can choose to create their own in the generic format. Google is promoting the idea of “Build once, run anywhere,” as creations with this device will work on desktops, laptops, smart phones and tablets. Google Web Designer is compatible with both Mac and Windows.
This tool makes the implementing and designing of HTML5 adds much easier as it is a visual tool. Those not familiar with CSS and Javascript code will still be able to visually create animations. While the code is also available for viewing and editing at the user’s leisure .
Two animation modes are available: quick mode and advanced mode. In quick mode animations are created scene by scene with ability to change transitions between scenes. Advanced mode utilizes the use of keyframes to build animations. Advanced mode also lets you layer frames and adjust timing. Content can be built in 3D and 2D images and can be rotated along an axis.
There were whispers of this program back in June and now it’s finally here for us, for free even! There is no official word yet on when the final version is going to be available but Google promises to keep us updated. As new versions become available we will be easily able to upgrade.