3 Unexpected ways to use G+

Let’s start off with the standard disclaimers, G+ is not for everyone. G+ is debatably not meant for living, breathing humans. I mean look at this fun interface! Collections, what’s that about? A new feature nobody wanted or needed. Let the fun begin…
It’s hotly debated amongst SEOs if social matters for search. Google has said publicly they do not acknowledge social as a factor. Whether you believe in it or not, do I really need to convince anyone to care about G+? Some SEOs like myself view G+ for what it is, feeding the meter…
We care about G+ only because of who offers it, Google. However as both an android and gmail user I’ve found some kind of unexpected uses for G+. Yes, I realize how crazy this sounds.
1. Android people back up their stuff – it’s the easiest photo and video backup service BY FAR. This saddens me in some ways as I’ve tried to use other cutesy tools. G+ is by far the best way to auto back up my videos, pictures, screenshots and docs from the phone.
2. Bookmark your recipes – This one is more on the personal side, but I do love to cook. Where can I ‘bookmark’ my recipes I’m making without any judgements? G+!