What’s Happening This Week at CircleClick?

Happy Tuesday! We have lots of exciting projects in the works at CircleClick, including a book by our CEO, and there are several events happening this week to call out in particular.
Wednesday, 6/21 – IBM Twitter Chat
Our CEO, Anne Ahola Ward, is a featured participate in IBM’s #NewWaytoEngage tweet chat, “Better Understand Your Customers with Digital Analytics.” She was recruited in 2015 to be part of an elite group of influencers in the IBM Futurist Program – not only as a member, but as a driver, amplifier, and engager in the “Future of Commerce” conversation.
Join us on Twitter tomorrow from 10am-11am PST and follow her @annebot and the hashtag #NewWaytoEngage.
Thursday, 6/22 – Integrated Marketing Virtual Conference & Expo
Join Anne as speaks at the Integrated Marketing Virtual Conference & Expo, presented by Target Marketing, on Thursday from 9:55am – 10:30am. This conference aims to bring you all the up-to-date, essential info about the hottest integrated marketing topics for the current and upcoming year. It’s jam-packed with sessions on key best practices and trends, straight from the experts. It’s free to virtually attend the conference and you can do so here.
She will be talking about “Online Marketing Strategies that Work”, specifically SEO.
Friday, 6/23 – DevOps Day
DevopsDays is a technical conference, aimed at developers, sysadmins and anyone else involved in technology, regardless of expertise. Anne is speaking on an Ignite panel session at 12:55pm PST, called “From WWW to GGG”. Here’s the description.
We think of the internet as ‘the web’ and that notion is long, long gone. Before the web, there were BBSes. Data previously in silos is now being connected, and in some cases, mixed together. For example, IBM claims Watson has read thousands of research journals. With machine learning technologies, content is being processed already PLUS machine readable data. We’re now moving into the GGG – the Giant Global Graph – which is a essentially a meta-version of the semantic web.
Additional information on the speakers and sessions can be found here.
Hope to see at one or all of the events this week. Follow us on Twitter @circleclick and @annebot for updates.