CircleClick turns 6

Hello everyone,

It’s with great pleasure that I can say Happy Birthday, CircleClick! What a great milestone this is for us. Six years ago I sat down with my former partner and we started this agency out of nothing during the financial collapse. Now we get work with some cutting edge companies and very excellent people. I am thankful for all of the wonderful folks I get to work with day to day. Thank you to everyone who supported me and my dream, it has made the past 6 years so very special.

Although everything has not been golden. I’ve received some harsh criticism over the years. People have told actually said things to me like “you’re not really a startup” and my favorite snarky comment, “you’re not a real entrepreneur” (from a female peer). Here’s the thing, I really don’t care what anyone thinks my title or category should be. Working in San Francisco has presented me with so many amazing opportunities. At times I’ve been both a student and also a mentor. Perhaps I’m not on a proverbial rocket ship ride to infinite scalable growth like some folks in the valley, but I’m also truly happy with my life. I get to collaborate on all sorts of fun and geeky projects. I learn something every day.

Ultimately, I’m doing what I want to do every. single. day. I wake up with a smile and an eagerness to get into the office. How many folks can say that?

So what conclusion is there to draw from this year’s anniversary? Maybe nothing… I just wanted to give a big hug and a thank you to the haters. Thank you to the people who told me six years ago we would surely fail, thank you to those who snubbed and even mocked me. All you did was motivate me to work that much harder, to prove to myself that I could.

And I did. 🙂



Anne Ward