CircleClick CEO Anne A. Ward to return as a speaker to Developer Week 2015

In 2014 I was asked to speak on a panel about women in development at O’Reilly’s developer week. It was an honor to be on stage among such powerful and intelligent women.
I was so honored to be back again in 2015! Truly. It’s awesome to be asked to talk about your war stories, experiences and to dispense advice. I’ve been in tech my entire career and until recently it didn’t seem like that big of a deal to me. However, if sharing my experiences can help enrich and encourage others….! Awesome. That’s just awesome. I very strongly believe that any woman who wants to be in tech can do so. Sometimes the only limits we have are the ones we put there ourselves. If you’re looking for help breaking into the tech industry, female or not, please hit me up on Twitter. I’m always here to help.
See you in early February! It’s gonna be good. 🙂