CircleClick CEO Anne A. Ward to Speak at SEJ Summit in April

March 1, 2016 – San Francisco, CA – Anne A. Ward, CEO of CircleClick, will be presenting at the Search Engine Journal (SEJ) Summit in Santa Monica on April 13, 2016. Her presentation is “SEO in the World of Mobile – What Does That Mean?” and she will provide an explanation of the latest SEO trends as they relate specifically to mobile and the Nth screen.

The SEJ Summit is a unique conference experience tailored for search marketers, and thee event features a single track of vetted, keynote-style presentations given by industry experts and over three hours of high-quality networking opportunities. Topics covered will include: SEO, paid search, social media, content marketing, CRO, UX, Google happenings, actionable tips on linking, and how to make things happen in house. She was also a speaker at SEJ Summit in 2014.

Anne has spoken about the Nth screen about previous events with a positive response from fellow panelists and attendees. As an IBM Futurist, she spoke last October at IBM Insight. The conference trended nationally and there were over two billion tweets with using the conference hashtag (#IBMInsight). IBM also recently sent Ahola Ward to #TEDatIBM in San Francisco, where she was part of a small group of folks to get the conference nationally trending. TED conferences do not allow audience members to use their electronics, with the exception of press and in this case, IBM Futurists.

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Anne says, “I’m looking forward to speaking at the Search Engine Journal conference once again. I had a tremendously fun and enriching experience a couple of years ago at the SEJ event in San Francisco, and am excited to speak about what I am passionate about in anticipation of my upcoming book.”

Anne is currently writing the next SEO book for O’Reilly, entitled Mastering the SEO Battlefield, due to be published October 2016. More information about the SEJ Summit can be found here.


Anne Ahola Ward is an SEO, Futurist, and CEO of CircleClick Media, founded in 2009. She has nearly 20 years of experience working on the web in various functions, having mastered almost every role in web development: DBA, webmaster, developer, graphic designer, and video editor. She was a developer for 10 years, and through her love of analytics, Anne transitioned into the field of SEO as the field was forming. Anne now specializes in SEO, analytics and social media. She is currently writing the next SEO book for O’Reilly, entitled SEO for Developers, due to be published October 2016.  

Anne was named as one of Entrepreneur magazine’s 27 Top Masters of Marketing and PR that everyone can learn from. In 2015, she was invited to be a part of the elite IBM Futurist program, as a Commerce Influencer. Anne has previously been a speaker at IBM Insight, PR Summit, Developer Week, and the Search Engine Journal Summit.  


Launched in 2003, SEJ is unique in its community-based approach to search marketing content. Virtually all of our contributed articles come from real online marketing experts, both independent and in-house.

Search Engine Journal spotlights the important trends, news, strategies and personalities in the industry. We make it easier for the interactive-marketing community to collaborate and innovate its way to success.

About CircleClick Media

CircleClick is a digital marketing firm established in 2009 with a core emphasis on SEO. The company specializes in helping clients boost their sales through establishing and maintaining online presences to generate more sales leads. Its team of experts has been in the web industry since the 1990’s, bringing unparalleled expertise to clients to design and build the strongest digital presence possible, and attract customers through incredible content, smart advertising and integrated campaigns.