CircleClick's downtown location

Change is good. New offices are better!

Some people say that the only constant thing in life is change… We agree. That’s why we are constantly trying to keep things fresh and new at CircleClick. This past week we proudly opened a new downtown location. This is exciting for a variety of reasons, mainly that we are more accessible to our existing […]

We drink it, so should you

Google landing page flattery will get you everywhere…

Recently a fledgling competitor decided to quote us in one of their blog posts. Awesome. I love that they credited us and that they agree. What I find confusing is that they seemed to have missed the fact we have a competing product – which is BETTER! Maybe I have drank a good deal of […]

Best landing page

Random questions about landing pages… Answered!

Landing pages and corporate websites are typically two different animals. I think the best landing pages effectively address the topic mentioned in the corresponding PPC ad the user clicked on to get there. Many people have asked me how to use a landing page with a website that already exists. My answer is – do […]


NYC CircleClick Party Pics!

Recently CircleClick threw a little shindig in NYC. We wanted to commemorate CircleClick’s first birthday as well as the launch of our new software. A few folks dropped by and a good time was had by all. In my opinion, the crowd was totally A-list. Not to get all name droppy on ya, but there […]


What makes a good software product? Vitamins vs. Pain Killers

Nobody says software anymore, so I suppose I should use the term “app”.¬† The term software makes one think of shrink-wrapped boxes, not the web.¬† Although I am only 31, that number makes me an old lady in Silicon Valley years. I created my first website 13 years ago. Eeeks! Anyway, a wise person told […]