What is the business value of FREE on the web?
Where is the corporate value for companies when using something that is free?
Many developers expect every tool or piece of software to be free on the web now. I kind of do.
Where is the corporate value for companies when using something that is free?
Many developers expect every tool or piece of software to be free on the web now. I kind of do.
So I finally decided to make the leap. I am going to SXSW 2010. Awesome!
Many of us have heard of the website grader, many of us also know there are but a few standards on the web that everyone collectively cares about. I believe that W3C code validation is one of those concepts we all totally want to care about, but it is not always in the cards.
Sometimes I just stop and think about what pieces of my life am I putting out there. There are people in my friends list I once knew, but don’t really know anymore who can see real moments in my life (that might just be meaningful).
I watched the New Orleans Saints defeat the Colts yesterday and it was the most lackluster superbowl of recent memory.
Why is everyone trying to throw a dark cloud over Google. Do we all really still believe they try not to be evil?
Much of my time is spent networking. My primary duty at CircleClick right now is sales and the way I like to sell is to get out and talk to people.
I was sure that Dreamforce 2009 in San Francisco would rival ad:tech New York this year in terms of follow-ups.
After having some very long conversations with vendors at ad:tech, it is pretty interesting to see the various types of follow-ups.
I just returned from the ad:tech show in New York. It was a deep dive into the world of web marketing, development.